About Us
Ridgeline Mounted Archers was founded in 2020. It is dedicated to growing the art of mounted archery and inspiring the next generation of legacy holders. Ridgeline is located in South Eugene and is a sanctioned school through the Guild of Mounted Archers.

Ridgeline Mounted Archers endevours to honor and enrich the practice of mounted archery in a modern context. And create a positive, uplifting and experience prioritizing the physical, social and emotional safety of all our participants.

Where Students Come First
Our goal is to make mounted archery more accessible, to bring the horse to the center, to honor traditional practice and to elevate the sport.

Where Students Come First
We believe that mounted archery is a team sport where the equine and human are equal participants.
We believe that mounted archery is a beautiful art practiced by many cultures and people groups.
We believe that mounted archery enriches and improves our lives, and should be accessible to anyone who wants to participate.